Cancellation Policy

If you cancel your order before your product is dispatched from our premises, we will refund the entire amount. The refund will be processed within 7 working days. We will issue you a credit note, on the basis of that either you can take a 100% refund or buy anything else as per your preference. For cancellation please send your request directly at

If the product goes out of stock during or after the customer has placed the order, in this case, holds the complete right to cancel this particular order and immediately initiate the complete refund of the amount received against this order.

The price of the Product and Promotion will be as stipulated at all times on is Online, except in the case of an obvious error. will make every effort to ensure that the prices featured on the website are correct, errors may occur. If any errors were discovered on the price of any of the Products and Promotions that the Customer has ordered, will notify the Customer as soon as possible and provide the option of confirming the order at the correct price. If is unable to contact the Customer, the Customer’s order will be canceled and the amount paid by the customer will be refunded in full via the original payment method the Customer used

Eligible for Return:

An item may be eligible for return within 7 days after delivery if it fulfills one or more of the following conditions:

· Package is damaged by the courier

· Has missing parts or accessories

· Is different from what was ordered

In the above cases please send a picture of the product to We shall provide you a return no. & label for return. Accordingly once the product is received, the refund/exchange shall be done within 3 days. In case of damaged or missing part, Product opening video is must.

Not Eligible for Return:

An item will not be eligible for return if it falls under any one or more following conditions:

· Not returned within the specified time i.e., within 7 days after delivery.

· If product is damaged, altered, tampered, missing items or otherwise used.